Policy | Brian King for Utah
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The affordability and availability of healthcare continue to be an important issue for many Utahns across the state, especially in rural areas where the nearest hospital may be several hours away. But even along the Wasatch Front, high-quality care is still unattainable for many Utah families. And with recent attacks on Utahns’ medical freedom, reproductive care is now even harder—and may soon be impossible—for Utahns to access. Instead of pushing politics into doctors’ offices and intruding on some of the most personal and private decisions a person can make, our leaders should be trusting medical professionals and addressing the real, pressing concern of healthcare access and affordability.

Over the last few years, housing costs in Utah have skyrocketed, putting the American dream of homeownership out of reach for many Utahns, and leaving many families struggling to make ends meet. If we want our children and grandchildren to be able to stay in Utah and raise their families here, we need to take action to address the housing crisis and give young Utahns the opportunity to buy a home, put down roots in their community, and build a life.

Every Utah child should have access to high-quality education at neighborhood public schools, no matter their income level or zip code. Unfortunately, our state’s public education system has been chronically underfunded, consistently ranking last or close to last in per-pupil spending. Instead of giving our students and educators the resources they need to thrive and allowing locally elected school boards to do their jobs, our current leaders are focused on banning books, targeting LGBTQ kids, and siphoning tens of millions of taxpayer dollars from our public schools for vouchers. We deserve better.



Utah has one of the strongest economies in the country, and that’s because of our people. Utahns have always been hardworking and industrious, creative, and success-driven, but right now, the cost of living is simply too high for many Utahns struggling to afford basic necessities like groceries, gas, housing, and child care. Our leaders have a responsibility to invest in the future of our state by taking common-sense steps to reduce costs and overcome false choices so that all Utah families have the opportunity to thrive. Because of our economy and our people, Utah has become a place where hardworking families from all across the country want to come to build a life. We should be proud of that and continue to invest in our economy to ensure that we remain an example among states.

Utahns deserve better than the divisive, extreme leadership currently running the show—plain and simple. Governor Cox has consistently proved his unwillingness to stand up for what’s right, preferring instead to rubber-stamp the culture war agenda coming out of the legislature. We shouldn’t just disagree better for the sake of politeness—we should disagree for the better, engaging in meaningful dialogue and debate about what policies will best serve the people of Utah. Right now, that’s not what we’re getting from Governor Cox.


Utahns are blessed to live in the most beautiful state in the nation. Whether it’s our mountains, our valleys, our red rock cliffs, or our rivers and lakes, there is so much to love about our environment. We need to do everything we can to be responsible stewards of our vibrant natural resources. 




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