Better Leadership | Brian King for Utah
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  • This bill modifies the Lobbyist Disclosure and Regulation Act to require registration by both the principal and the lobbyist when a lobbyist is hired, prevents a lobbyist from working for both public and private entities, prohibits contingent fee compensation arrangements for lobbyists, toughens criminal penalties for lobbyists who provide false information, and prohibits a lobbyist from getting compensation for services provided to a candidate for state office. 

  • This bill amends provisions related to voting by mail.

  • This bill amends provisions restricting the attorney general's authority to file amicus curiae briefs in litigation originating in other states.

  • This bill amends provisions of the Election Code relating to the manner by which a voter casts a vote for all candidates from one political party.

  • This bill waives governmental immunity for an injury claim resulting from a sexual battery or sexual abuse of a child against a student by a school employee unless the school was subject to a specified policy and had taken reasonable steps to implement and enforce the policy. This bill also waives governmental immunity for an injury claim resulting from a sexual battery of a student by an employee of an institution of higher education, under certain circumstances.

  • This bill creates a pilot project to permit a municipality to conduct nonpartisan races using instant runoff voting.

  • This bill modifies provisions of the Election Code relating to voter age requirements.

  • This bill amends provisions of the Election Code to provide for ranked-choice voting in races for certain offices where more than two candidates are seeking the same office or the nomination of the same political party for the same office.

  • This bill modifies provisions of the Government Records Access and Management Act relating to fees charged for record requests.

  • This bill amends Title 20A Chapter 11 Campaign and Financial Reporting Requirements by establishing and enforcing contribution limits for statewide office elections.

  • This bill creates the Voter Participation Task Force.

  • This bill amends provisions related to the duties of a presidential elector to require them to cast a ballot for the candidate who wins the popular vote in Utah.

  • This bill amends provisions of the Election Code by establishing a pilot project to test the advisability of implementing election-day voter registration in Utah.

  • This bill modifies the Utah Workforce Services Code to enact the Women in the Economy Commission Act.

  • This bill amends Title 20A Election Code to permit election day voter registration.

  • This bill allows the Utah Supreme Court discretion in appointing judges to the Judicial Conduct Commission.

  • This bill creates a new part in Title 78B Chapter 3 allowing for expedited jury trials.



Utahns deserve better than the divisive, extreme leadership currently running the show—plain and simple. Governor Cox has consistently proved his unwillingness to stand up for what’s right, preferring instead to rubber-stamp the culture war agenda coming out of the legislature. We shouldn’t just disagree better for the sake of politeness—we should disagree for the better, engaging in meaningful dialogue and debate about what policies will best serve the people of Utah. Right now, that’s not what we’re getting from Governor Cox.

Brian King will be a governor who stands on principle, not political convenience. He will:

  • Veto policies that are not in the best interests of Utahns instead of rolling over to the will of the most extreme voices in the legislature

  • Work to implement lobbyist reform to reduce the influence of special interests on Capitol Hill

  • Champion transparency and accountability by releasing his public calendar and calling for the repeal of a new law that hides elected officials’ calendars from the public

  • Hold regular town hall meetings across the state to hear directly from Utahns about what their priorities and concerns are

  • Make bipartisan appointments of individuals involved with budget and election processes, cabinet positions, commissions, and task forces

  • Roll back measures supported by Gov. Cox to politicize judicial appointment

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